What is unfolded here is a selected sequence of books and exhibition catalogues that I have translated into English or that I have been asked to proofread prior to publication.
The sequence is alphabetical according to the last name of the artist, whose work the particular publication presents, or according to the last name of the author, or according to the title of the book.

Anette Abrahamsen: Norrköpings Kunstmuseum.
Text by Per Aage Brandt translated by DAM.
Norrköpings Kunstmuseum, 1995.
ISBN: 91-88244-17-2

Exhibition catalogue for show at Centre for Contemporary Photography in Fitzroy, Australia.
Texts by Katya Sander and Rune Gade.
CCP, 1997.

Amalienborg – The Royal Palaces, Representative Rooms and Gardens.
Borgens Forlag, 1999.
ISBN: 87-21-00978-3

Tove Anderberg: Fortællinger – Nye Karamiske Arbejder.
Texts by Thomas C. Thulstrup and Michael Bjorn Nellemann.
Museumbygning Kunstauktioner A/S, 1998.
ISBN: 87-90803-00-0

Martin Erik Andersen: Stairway to Heaven – Highway to Hell.
Text by Magnus Thorø Clausen.
Holsterbro Kunstmuseums Forlag, 2008.
ISBN: 978-87-88275-80-3

Buildings and Landscape – Scattered thoughts about lying beautifully in the landscape.
Sven-Ingvar Andersson.
The Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture, 2002.
ISBN: 87-87136-43-0

Malene Bach – Konkret.
Catalogue for exhibition at Overgaden, Copenhagen.
Texts by Ola Billgren and Malene Bach.
Malene Bach, 1994.
ISBN: 87-984840-0-1

Malene Bach – 1 + 1.
Catalogue for exhibition at DCA Gallery, New York, 1998.
Interview with Kristine Kern translated by DAM.
Malene Bach, 1998.
ISBN: 87-987077-2-8

Malene Bach – Extended Color.
Essay by Ditte Vilstrup Holm.
Revolver publishing by VVV, 2009
ISBN: 978-3-86895-021-2

Baghuset Gallery.
Text by Anders Michelsen.
Baghuset Gallery, 1991

BOASE – The Future Home.
Text by Claus Bech-Danielsen translated by DAM.
Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut / Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, 2001.
ISBN: 87-7830-075-4

Ecological Reflections in Architecture.
Claus Bech-Danielsen.
The Danish Architectural Press, 2005.
ISBN: 87-7407-340-0

Tectonic Visions in Architecture.
Anne Beim.
Anne Beim and Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlga 2004. [Proofread by DAM.]
ISBN: 87-87136-60-0

H.W. Bissen – Sculptures –Catalogue – Vol. I – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Charlotte Christensen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1995.
ISBN: 87-7452-174-8

H.W. Bissen – Sculptures –Catalogue – Vol. II – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Charlotte Christensen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1995.
ISBN: 87-7452-174-8

Niels Peter Bruun Nielsen / Erik Bille Christiansen.
Text by Lisbeth Bonde.
North Information, No. 230, 1994
ISBN: 0105 2624

Eventyrskabe / Fairytale Cabinets.
Lisbeth Bonde.
Montana/Kunsthhallen Brandts, 2007.
ISBN: 978-87-776-055-4

IN YOUR WORDS – Nanna Debois Buhl & Brendan Fernandes.
Texts by Lasse Horne Kjældgaard and Catherine Lefebvre.
Karen Blixen Museet, 2011

CONFLICT AND BALANCE - Henrik Capetillo, Works 1992-2010.
Text by Henrik Capetillo. [Proofread by DAM.]
REVOLVER Publishing by VVV, Berlin, 2010.
ISBN: 978-3-86895-083-0

Lisbeth Eugenie Christensen. Flagermusens Symmetry – Drawings and Paintings.
Text by Lilian Munk Rösing. Lisbeth Eugenie Christensen, 2011.
ISBN: 978-87-991545-2-4

Incorporation – Torben Christiansen.
Texts by Anders Michelsen and Torben Christiansen.
Maison du Danemark, Paris & Chapelle des Brigitines, Bruxelles, 1994.
ISBN: 87-601-25117-9

CPH LIVING, Summer issue #1.
Most of the articles translated into English by DAM.

Revir – Ingvar Cronhammer.
Text by Carsten Thau.
ISBN: 87-88935-79-5

D I • D II • D III – contemporary German sound installations.
Text by Hans Sydow translated by DAM.
Charlottenborg Undstillingsbygning, 2003.
ISBN: 87-88944-53-0

DCM – Danish Centre for Music Publication.
Brochure edited by Niels Bo Foltmann and Niels Krabbe, 2011.

Catalogue for international exhibition of painting at Charlottenborg.
Texts by Lars Bang Larsen, Mikael Andersen, Malene la Cour Rasmussen,
Mai Misfeldt and Kristine Kern.
The British Council, 1997.
ISBN: 87-90080-04-1

A K Dolven. I Hold your Head in my Hands.
i-8 galleri, Reykjavik, Iceland. August – 10. August- September 2000.
Text by Timo Valjakka. [Proofread by DAM.]

Painting and Drawings from the up your bondage series. Volume One • Number One.
Text by Ib Monrad Hansen. 1998.
ISBN: 87-986888-0-4

Alba - Moments.
Text by Erik Steffensen.
Kalmar Konstmuseum, Edition Torben Grøndahl, 2006.
ISBN: 87-991476-0-2

Olafur Eliasson: Surroundings Surrounded – Essays on Space and Science.
Edited by Peter Weibel. Exhibition catalogue, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz, Austria; ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany; The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA / London, 2001.
Text by Ove Nathan translated by DAM.
ISBN: 3-928201-26-3

Olafur Eliasson – The Blind Pavilion.
Exhibition catalogue for the 50th Venice Biennial 2003 – Den Danske Pavilion.
Texts by Olafur Eliasson, Svend Åge Madsen, Rodney M.J. Coterhill, Karl Holmqvist,
Frida Björk Ingvarsdóttir, Jakob Jakobsen, Anders V. Munch, Ingo Niermann,
Andrzej Przywara & Adam Szymczyk, Isreal Rosenfield, Sheena Wagstaff and Gitte Ørskou.
ISBN: 87-90446-05-4

Olafur Eliasson: Minding The World.
Texts by Carsten Thau, Marianne Krogh Jensen and Gitte Ørskou translated by DAM.
ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum and Hatje Cantz Verlag, Olafur Eliasson & the authors 2004.
ISBN: 87-88575-85-3 (ARoS Århus Kunstmuseum) / 3-7757-1568-1 (Hatje Cantz Verlag)

ELMER – Works 1977-91.
Text by Anders Michelsen (“Postpainting, Billede, Replay”).

CAFÉ EUROPA 1989 – Cookbook.
Jens Nørgaard, Nikolaj Rønne, Martin Hildebrandt and Björg Halldórsdóttir Brend.
Europa 1989, 2007
ISBN: 978-87-413-00177

EUROPA 1989.
Jens Nørgaard, Nikolaj Rønne, Martin Hildebrandt, Peter Ole Sahl, Morten Münchow and
Björg Halldórsdóttir Brend.
Europa 1989 and Exlibriz AS, 2010.
ISBN: 978-82-8173-220-9

LSD – life, sex & death. Marco Evaristti.
Texts by Else Marie Bukdahl, Hans Dam Christensen, Dieter Buchhart and Lisbeth Bonde.
Politikens Forlag A/S, 2003.
ISBN: 87- 567- 6980-6

Text by Mikkel Bogh translated by DAM.
Portalen, Køge Bugt Kulturhus, 1997.
ISBN: 87-90211-05-7

Jes Fomsgaard – DOME.
Texts by Jes Fomsgaard, Lars Grambye and Lars Movin translated by DAM.
Odense By Museer, 2001.
ISBN: 87-87162-90-3

Christopher Galvin-Harrison: Anfægtelse.
Text by Niels Bonde.
Galleri Astel, Copenhagen, 1989.

Mads Gamdrup 21.06.1999.
Catalogue for “Grim Splendor” exhibition at Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum.
Text by Anna Krogh.
ISBN: 87-89119-26-6

Poul Gernes.
Text by Per Kirkeby translated by Ulrikka S. Gernes & DAM.
Kunstverien Braunschweig,
Verlag der Bunchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2002.
ISBN: 978-38-837-55861

The Medicine of Colours
Poul Gernes and Copenhagen University Hospital at Herlev.
Ulrikka S. Gernes & Peter Michael Hornung.
Borgens Forlag, 2003.
ISBN: 87-21-01943-6

Poul Gernes.
Catalogue for retrospective show at DeichterHallen in Hamburg.
Snoeck, 2010.
ISBN: 978-39-409-53551

Chairs’ Tectonics.
Nicolai de Gier and Stine Liv Buur.
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture Publishers, 2009.
ISBN: 978-87-87136-90-7

Nils Erik Gjerdevik – Galleri C _1989.
Text by Anneli Fuchs.
ISBN: 87-89405-00-5

Lennart Gottlieb and Jens Erik Sørensen.
Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2001.
ISBN: 87-88575-49-7

Irene Griegst.
Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen, 2008.

Lone Hoyer Hansen – Tegninger – Drawings 1988-90.
Text by Lone Hoyer Hansen.
Lundtofte Publishing, Copenhagen, 1990.
ISBN: 87-89279-08-5

Lone Hoyer Hansen.
Catalogue for retrospective show presented at Horsens Kunstmuseum and Nordiskt Konstcentrum (Helsinki, Finland).
Nordiskt Konstcentrums utställningskatalog 1993, no. 4
Texts by Poul Erik Tøjner and Claus Hagedorn-Olsen.
Helsinki, 1993.
ISBN: 951-8955-37-9 / ISSN: 0783-9030

Lone Hoyer Hansen – CORTAR – Copperplate prints.
Text by Timo Valjakka.
Helsingin Taidehalli, Helsinki, 1996.
ISBN: 951-96186-9-4

Lone Hoyer Hansen – A FOUR LETTER WORD.
Text by Ann Lumbye Sørensen.
Catalogue for show at Museumsbygningen, Copenhagen, 1998.
ISBN: 87-987141-0-4

Lone Hoyer Hansen – STAK ÅNDE – Short of Breath.
Text by Mai Misfeldt.
Catalogue for show at Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen, 2000.
ISBN: 87-987141-0-4

Lone Hoyer Hansen – SCULPTURE 1980-2005.
Texts by Lone Hoyer Hansen and Mai Misfeldt.
Design and Image Editing by Jeanne Betak Cleeman.
Thaning & Appel, Copenhagen, 2006.
ISBN: 87-413-6532-1

Lone Hoyer Hansen – Restaurant noma.
Text by Lone Hoyer Hansen.
Lone Hoyer Hansen, 2007.

Lone Hoyer Hansen – Observation.
Catalogue for show at Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum.
Texts by Carsten Thau, Mette Sandbye and Charlotte Sabroe.
Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, 2008.
ISBN: 87-89119-47-9

Anette Harboe Flensburg: Poetry and Power,

Nina Hart – Papir på lærred: Traneudstilling.
Gentofte Kunstbibliotek, Hellerup, 1995.
ISBN: 87-89186-25-7

Heidi P.
Catalogue for exhibition at Cobra-Rummet at Sophienholm. Kunst, 2007.

Vagn Henriksen – Objects and Works on Paper.
Text by Arno Victor Nielsen.
DCA Gallery. New York, 1998.
ISBN: 87-987077-0-1

Phantoms of Liberty – Peter Holst Henckel.
Texts by Simon Sheikh and Anders Michelsen.
Specta, Copenhagen, 1997.
ISBN: 87-89138-40-6

Nanna Hänninen – Photography.
Text by Anna Krogh.
Galleri Bo Bjergaard, 2001.
ISBN: 87-89783-83-2

Arne Jacobsen og Den Organiske Form.
Carsten Thau and Kjeld Vindum.
Kunstforening, 1999.
ISBN: 87-7441-073-3

Arne Jacobsen’s Own House – Strandvejen 413.
Text by Peter Thule Kristensen and Relea A/S.
Relea, 2007.
ISBN: 978-87-92230-04-1

Arne Jacobsen’s Own House – Gottfred Rodes Vej 2.
Text by Peter Thule Kristensen and Relea A/S.
Relea, 2007.
ISBN: 978-87-92230-03-4

Egill Jacobsen – ansigt til ansigt.
Texts by Michael Thouber, Pia Skogemann, Anna Castberg and Anders Kold.
Arken Museum for Modern Kunst, 1996.
ISBN: 87-7875-002-4

Per Bak Jensen – Nyt Fotografier 1992.
Text by Poul Erik Tøjner.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1992.
ISBN: 87-7452-120-8

Greek Portraits – Catalogue – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Flemming Johansen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1992.
ISBN: 87-7452-136-5

Roman Portraits – Catalogue – Vol. I – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Flemming Johansen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1994.
ISBN: 87-7452-154-3

Roman Portraits – Catalogue – Vol. II – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Flemming Johansen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1995.
ISBN: 87-7452-178-0

Roman Portraits – Catalogue – Vol. III – Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Flemming Johansen.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1995.
ISBN: 87-7452-189-6

Outside the Walls.
Carsten Juhl-Christiansen.
The Royal Danish Academy of Arts School of Architecture, 2002.
ISBN: 87-7830-083-5

Die Anhalter Faltung.
Carsten Juhl-Christiansen & Erik Werner Petersen.
SKALA, 2002.
ISBN: 87-983869-0-5

Asger Jorn.
Arken Museum, Denmark, Cobra Museum, Holland & Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Germany, 2003.
ISBN: 87-7875-037-7

Sophia Kalkau – Tæt På, Langt Ude/Close Up, Far Out.
Texts by Michael Bogh translated by DAM.
Kalkaus Forlag, 2010.
ISBN: 978-87-994210-0-8

Michael H. Kierkegaard – Requiem.
Text by Morten Søndergaard.
Nikolaj Udstillingsbygning, 2005.

Tove Kurtzweill – Photographs: Space / Time.
Text by Lars Schwander.
Lundtofte Publishing & The Museum of Photographic Arts, 1988.
ISBN: 87-89279-04-2

Michael Kvium – The Art Unto Sickness.
Text by Claus Hagedorn-Olsen translated by DAM.
Horsens Kunstmuseums Forlag 1993
ISBN: 87-88985059

Michael Kvium – The Painter
Lennart Gottlieb.
Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2002.
ISBN: 87-61403-06-7/ 978-87-61403-06-3

Ingrid Kæseler.
Kristine Kern.
Exhibition catalogue for “One by One” show at Overgaden, Copenhagen, 1998.
ISBN: 87-986791-0-4

Puk Lippmann – Dialogue with Bindesbøll.
Text by Eva Henschen.
Thorvaldsens Museum, 1995.
ISBN: 87-7521-073-8

Malene Landgreen 1997 – Supreme Moments of Sweet Surrender.
Text by Sanne Kofod Olsen.
Galleri Søren Houmann, 1997.
ISBN: 87-90519-04-3

her own place malene landgreen in situ projekter 1997-2003.
Tine Nygaard.
Malene Landgreen, 2003.
ISBN: 87-989495-0-0

Malene Landgreen – COLOR STATE.
Exhibition catalogue.
Texts by Lars Bent Petersen and Vibeke Petersen.
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2010.
ISBN: 978-87-88944-92-1

Orsolya Bagala Larsen.
Text by Pia Thomsen in connection with exhibition at Backyard Gallery, 2007.

Leadership and Education – a textbook.
Defense Command Denmark, 2008.
ISBN: 978-87-988033-9-3

Lemmerz – The 23rd International Biennial of São Paulo, Brazil.
Texts by Marianne Krogh Jensen and Christian Gether.
Danish Contemporary Art Foundation, 1996.
ISBN: 87-90446-00-3

Christian Lemmerz, PALIMPSEST.
Catalogue by Christian Lemmerz, Marianne Kroghand and Catherine Lefebvre.
Texts by Ann Lumbye Sørensen and Jacob Greve.
Danish Contemporary Art Foundation, 1998.
ISBN: 87-90446-04-6

Melchior Lorck – Volume 1: Biography and Primary Sources.
Erik Fischer with Ernst Jonas Bencard and Mikael Bøgh Rasmussen.
The Royal Library & Vandkunsten Publishers, Copenhagen, 2009.
ISBN 978-87-7695-133-7

Melchior Lorck – Volume 2: The Turkish Publication, 1626 Edition.
Erik Fischer with Ernst Jonas Bencard and Mikael Bøgh Rasmussen.
The Royal Library & Vandkunsten Publishers, Copenhagen, 2009.
ISBN 978-87-7695-134-4

Melchior Lorck – Volume 3: Catalogue Raisonné, part one.
Erik Fischer with Ernst Jonas Bencard and Mikael Bøgh Rasmussen.
The Royal Library & Vandkunsten Publishers, Copenhagen, 2009.
ISBN 978-87-7695-135-1

Lumia – International Lyskunst.
Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning, 1999.

KLF – Michael Kvium, Christian Lemmerz, Erik Frandsen.
Texts by Ann Lumbye Sørensen, Anders Kold and Anna Castberg.
Arken Museum for Moderne Kunst, 1996.
ISBN: 87-7875-000-8

Værk: Rum- og Installationskunst.
Text by Ann Lumbye Sørensen.
Knabstrup Kulturfabrik, 2001.
ISBN: 87-90723-19-8

På kanten af kaos – nye billeder af verden.
Texts- in-English supplement, by Kjeld Kjeldsen/Anneli Fuchs, Bo Nilsson and Carsten Thau, translated by DAM.
Louisiana Revy. 33. Årgang, Nr. 2, February 1993.

Safe Condition – Lars Mathisen.
Text by Anders Michelsen.
Gentofte Kunstbibliotek, 1991.
ISBN: 87-89186-28-1

Texts by Louise Mazanti and Ida Wentzel Winther.
KunstCentret, Silkeborg, 2007.
ISBN: 87-91252-24-5

Potential – Norske Kunsthåndverkeres Landsdelsutstilling.
Text by Louise Mazanti translated by DAM.
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, 2009.
ISBN: 978-82-91834-40-5

WELFARE [5 Pieces].
Texts by Anders Michelsen, Morten Salling et al.
Galerie du Temple, Paris, 1995.
ISBN: 87-601-4740-7

m.m.e.t.c. – tekstsamling.
Herning Kunstmuseum.
Text by Sam Fleischer translated by DAM.
Authors and artists, 1997.
ISBN: 87-88598-233

Byforsknings Rum / Fields of Urban Research.
Edited by Peder Dueland Mortensen.
Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, Institut 3, 2002.
ISBN: 87-7830-081-9

Museum Europa.
An exhibition about the European Museum from the Renaissance to our time.
Texts by Arno Victor Nielsen, Annesofie Becker and Willie Flindt.
The Danish National Museum, 1993.
ISBN: 87-89384-32-6

[natúrligvís] – 17 Nordic Artists Comment on Nature.
Texts by Kinna Poulsen and Helle Ryberg.
Nor∂urlandahúsi∂ I Føroyum, 2007.
ISBN: 99918-50-05-8

Clair-Obscur – Finn Naur Petersen.
Texts by Poul Erik Tøjner and Finn Naur Petersen.
Maison du Danemark, Paris, 1993.
ISBN: 87-601-3603-0

FRONT – Finn Naur Petersen.
Text by Ann Lumbye Sørensen translated by DAM.
Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, 1997.
ISBN: 87-7766-064-1

Ny Keramik / New Ceramics – Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik.
Texts by Jorunn Veitberg, Erik Steffensen, Lone Skov Madsen and Turi Heisselberg Pedersen. Forlaget Rhodos, 2002.
ISBN: 87-7245-912-3

Bodil Nielsen / 2004-2007.
Texts by Kjeld Vindum and Tom Danielsen.
Galleri Tom Christoffersen and Galerie MøllerWitt, 2007.
ISBN: 978-87-91685-09-5

Kehnet Nielsen – Das Leben der Dinge.
Text by Ann Lumbye Sørensen.
Kunsthaus am Museum - Carola Van Ham, Cologne.
Studio, 1989
ISBN: 87-89185-30-7

Kehnet Nielsen – 2 Billeder.
Text by Kehnet Nielsen.
Copenhagen, 1990.
ISBN: 87-89185-44-7

Kaj Nyborg – ISOPLANT – works 1998-2001.
Texts by Morten Søndergaard and Kaj Nyborg.
Space Poetry, Copenhagen, 2001.
ISBN: 87-89783-83-2

Bjørn Nørgaard – Det genmodificerede paradis.
Den danske pavilion. EXPO 2000. Hannover.
Edited/text by Karsten Ohrt.
Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen, 2000.
ISBN: 87-90704-87-8

Lars Nørgård – Arch Support.
Text by Vagn E. Olsson & Peter S. Meyer.
Edition Stalke / Galleri Prag, 1988.
ISBN: 87-982778-1-2

Lars Nørgård – Salthorse – 1992.
Text by Øystein Hjort.
Galerie Mikael Andersen, 1992.
ISBN: 87-983156-8-4

Lars Nørgård: Bad Nerves.
Lisbeth Bonde.
Christian Ejlers Forlag, 2007.
ISBN: 978-87-7241-379-2

Knud Odde – Some Buildings and a Few Persons.
Text by Lars Schwander.
Lundtofte Publishing, Copenhagen, 2000.
ISBN: 87-89279-09-3

Texts by Ruth Campau, Henrik Jørgensen and Peter Laugesen.
Borgens Forlag, 2000.
ISBN: 87-21-01456-6

Art at the Panum Institute
The Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, 1996.

Hans Pauli Olsen – Stanmyndir.
Text by Peter Michael Hornung.
Hans Pauli Olsen, 2004.
ISBN: 87-990253-0-2

Tróndur Patursson.
Finn Terman Frederiksen.
Randers Kunstmuseums Forlag, 2003.
ISBN: 87-88075-49-4

Grumme Pragt – Erik Paulsens norgerejse 1788.
Text by Karin Kryger.
Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum og Ribe Kunstmuseum, 1999.
ISBN: 87-89119-25-8

Lene Harriet Pedersen.
Text by Pia Thomsen in connection with exhibition at Backyard Gallery, 2007.

Noma – Nordic Cuisine.
Text and recipes by René Redzepi. With contributions from Claus Meyer, Henrik Kerrn-Jespersen and Niels Ehler.
Politikens Forlag, 2006.
ISBN: 978-87-567-8333-0

Finn Reinbothe – Outside Box 12/94.
Text by Marianne Bech translated by DAM.
Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde & Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, 1994.

Finn Reinbothe – On the Air Again.
Exbibition catalogue – DCA Gallery.
Text by Marianne Torp Øckenholt.
Galleri Bie & Vadstrup/Wibeke Vadstrup, 1996.
ISBN: 87-983889-1-6

Jytte Rex – malerier • tegninger 1995.
Texts by Per Aage Brandt, Ole Nørling and Marianne Bech.
ISBN 87-89985-20-6

7 Illusions – Vibeke Riisberg.
Text by Grethe Grathwol.
Kunstindustrimuseet, 1993

Farvens Krop / The Body of Colour: Nina Roos & Paula Modersohn-Becker.
Texts by Marie-Louise Svane, Mikkel Bogh, Lene Burkard and Karsten Ohrt.
Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, 1998.
ISBN: 87-7766-074-9

Krakamarken – Land Art as Process.
Jørn Rønnau.
Forlaget Djurs, 2001.
ISBN: 87-87656-44-2

Jørn Rønnau – Landskab / Landscape.
Texts by Finn Terman Frederiksen and Jørn Rønnau.
Randers Art Museum, 2002.
ISBN: 87-88075-47-8

Tropel (Reversed) – Regina Silviera og Verdenstaget.
Christine Buhl Andersen.
Kunstmuseet Koge Skitsesamling, 2009.
ISBN: 87-89074-21-1

Ingela Skytte.
Kristine Kern.
Exhibition catalogue for “One by One” show at Overgaden, Copenhagen, 1998.
ISBN: 87-986792-0-1

Sound Images.
Texts by, among others, Charlie Morrow, Brandon LaBelle, Marianne Bech,
Sanne Krogh Groth and Mads Kullberg.
Museet for Samtidskunst, 2006.
ISBN: 87-90690-18-4

Stalke 1987-1997.
Texts by Sam Jedig, Olafur Eliasson, Frans Jacobi and Torben Ebbesen.
Stalke Galleri, 1997.
ISBN: 87- 90538- 07-2

Morten Stræde – Byen og Verden/The City and the World.
Exhibition catalogue – Kunsthal Brænderigården.
Texts authored by Jokum Rode, Steen Høyer, Christian Lollike, Morten Søndergaard and Jacob Wamberg translated by DAM.
Brænderigårdens Forlag, 2010.
ISBN: 978-87-90192-64-8

THE SPEARHEAD – Three new urban spaces. Three sculptural squares. Three invitations extended to the social life of the area.
Texts by Torben Sangild and Morten Stræde.
Morten Stræde, 2010.

Kristian Sverdrup.
Text by Pia Thomsen in connection with exhibition at Backyard Gallery, 2007.

Urban Make – Strategies for Central Areas of Copenhagen.
Erik Christian Sørensen et al.
Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag, 1996. [Proofread by DAM.]
ISBN: 87-87136-19-8

Teatermuseet i Hofteatret. 2005.
Visitor’s Guide (in English).
Text by Ulla Strømberg et al.

Transitions – space in the dispersed city.
The Danish exhibition at the 7th International Exhibition of Architecture at the Venice Biennial,
Arkitekturtidsskrift B, 2000.
ISBN: 87-987280-4-0

Sonny Tronborg – ANALFABETISK.
Texts by Anders Kold and Peter S. Meyer.
Gentofte Kunstbibliotek, 1989.
ISBN: 87-89185-27-7

On the Statue of Christ by Thorvaldsen.
Anne-Mette Gravgaard and Eva Henschen.
The Thorvaldsen Museum and The Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, 1997.
Co-translated with Sue S. Bernstein and Aren Zettersen
ISBN: 87-7521-0843

Verdensarv – i Danmark og Grønland.
Kulturarvsstyrelsen, 2009. [DAM's translation posted on website]
ISBN: 978-87-91298-39-4

Texts by Anna Krogh and Jens Erik Sørensen.
ARoS Denmark, 2005.
ISBN: 87-88575-86-1

Modernisms Bygninger – Idégrundlag og bevaringssynspunkter.
Helen G. Welling. Miljø- og Energiministeriet / Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, 1999.
ISBN: 87-7279-169-1

Sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson and his Portraits.
Texts by Charlotte Christensen and Birgitta Spur.
Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum, Reykjavík, 2008
ISBN: 978-87-88755-05-3

You Do Not Have to Like the Art You See at Novo Nordisk, but I Hope It Makes You Stop and Ask a Few Questions – Mads Øvlisen, 1998.
Novo A/S, 2000.
ISBN: 87-988153-1-8